Noam Oracle
My Mini Readings
for when you are on a budget and in need of a quick reading!
Mini Reads
$10 for one, +$5 per additional question
These spreads contain 3-5 cards, and give you a brief and concise answer to your questions. These are perfect for when you need a very straightforward answer and not a lot of detail!
The price starts at $10 for one mini read, and goes up by $5 per additional mini read.
Mini Love Reading
$11.11 by itself, $7.77 as an extension
This 4-card spread can be a stand-alone mini love reading for when you need a quick message in love ($11.11), OR it can be used as an extension (a discounted addition: for $7.77) to a bigger love spread, to add another layer of depth to the initial reading!Â
This spread can use Whispers of Love Oracle, Romance Angels, or both (2 cards per deck).
Channeled Messages
What would they really like to say to you? What is really on their mind? I will use my homemade deck to channel the messages your person (or your future soulmate) has for you, as if they are speaking directly to you! Disclaimer: these are not sugarcoated and can be very blunt.
Angel Number Messages
$5 per angel number
Angel numbers are a way in which our angels communicate with us, each one meaning something unique to us. This mini oracle spread will tell you what it means when you see those angel numbers!
The cost is $5 per angel number, and the length will be similar to that of a mini read (brief paragraph).
In-Depth Question(s)
$30 for one, +$20 per additional question
A spread of 8-10 cards that can be cast to any question/topic. Very versatile, and is the default spread I do for in-depth questions! Suitable for when you have a specific question (or several; multiple questions are discounted!)
The price is $30 for the first question, and each additional question is +$20.
The only topics that are off-limits:
- Medical issues (mental health and/or physical health)
- Legal Issues
General Oracle Spread
$30 for one deck, $40 for two, $50 for three
No specific question? No problem! This spread provides general guidance for when you just want to hear what the universe has to say to you! You can choose to do this with one, two or three oracle deck(s), and you intuitively choose the decks from my collection!
Yes/No Questions
For Tarot: $3.33 for one, +$2.22 per additional question
For Pendulum: $2.22 for one, +$1.11 per additional question
These are for when you just need a straightforward yes or no and/or would like a confirmation! Can be answered via a tarot card (yes/no with a potential one-liner explanation) or pendulum (just yes/no)
Tarot: $3.33 for one question, goes up by +$2.22 per additional question
Pendulum: $2.22 for one question, goes up by $1.11 per additional question
A Sign From The Universe
Have you been wondering if someone is the one, update on your manifestation, how you'll know someone is your soulmate, etc? This spread looks at the confirmations the universe will give you & current messages from the universe to you!
I will need you to specify what question / topic you'd like a sign on in your order.
Work Your Light Spread
Using the famous Work Your Light deck, this spread helps you connect to your 5th dimensional self, the higher self, with spiritual messages that you need to hear and work with! Ultimately, this spread helps bring you to the truest expression of yourself, as well as aids you in your spiritual journey. This is a great spread for those who are going through a spiritual awakening, are spiritually ascending, or are just beginning to dabble into spirituality!