Noam Oracle
My Divination Services
In-Depth Question(s)
$30 for one, +$20 per additional question
A spread of 8-10 cards that can be cast to any question/topic. Very versatile, and is the default spread I do for in-depth questions! Suitable for when you have a specific question (or several; multiple questions are discounted!)
The price is $30 for the first question, and each additional question is +$20.
The only topics that are off-limits:
- Medical issues (mental health and/or physical health)
- Legal Issues
In Depth Tarot + Oracle
A spread of 8-10 tarot card and 4-8 oracle cards. An extension of the in-depth tarot spread, it can be cast to any question and is very versatile. It just adds a bit more depth and context to an answer!
The only topics that are off-limits:
- Medical issues (mental health and/or physical health)
- Legal Issues
General Oracle Spread
$30 for one deck, $40 for two, $50 for three
No specific question? No problem! This spread provides general guidance for when you just want to hear what the universe has to say to you! You can choose to do this with one, two or three oracle deck(s), and you intuitively choose the decks from my collection!
Year Ahead Spread
Have a birthday coming up and want to treat yourself? Is New Year's right around the corner? Do you want to see where you'll be in a year from now? This spread is perfect for these occasions! It will go into great detail about your year ahead, along with important months and advice on how to make the best out of this year!
Life Purpose / Path
This spread analyzes why your soul has chosen to come to Earth: what lessons you were meant to learn (or karmic debt to be paid), what your purpose/mission and path is, and any advice from your higher self regarding your journey! This spread helps you gain awareness, acceptance, and perspective upon your lifetime.
Past Life Reading
Ever wondered about the history of your soul, in who you used to be in a past life? This free-form spread will look into a significant past life of yours are tell you the significant things that happened to you in that lifetime. It can reveal some karmic lessons that are relevant to you in this lifetime as well.
Energy Update Spread
Your reality is a reflection of you, in some shape or form. While a difficult pill to swallow, you can use it to your benefit: you can shape your reality.
In this spread, we look into your current energy and what is coming in towards you as a result. This spread helps you recognize your patterns and how they reflect outwards, as well as provides you advice on what energies to strengthen and what energies to heal so that you can create a new & improved reality, and live your BEST life!
In addition, this spread can be used to analyze the current & future energies of a situation or connection, with advice on how to make the best of that situation/connection as well.
Deep Healing & Blockage Removal
Do you feel stagnancy, pain or blocked in a certain area of life? Hope is here, my dear. This healing spread is like a deep cleanse: it analyzes the root causes of your blockages, helping you understand them on a deeper level, and will give you the tools to heal, & release the blockages, as well as manifest your desired reality.
Soulmate Future Connection
Ever wonder how will your future partnership will look like with your life partner? I'm here to help give your fantasies some life. In this spread, I look into what your future connection with your soulmate is going to be/feel like, what kind of partner they'd be, and how you're likely to meet or how you'll be able to recognize them as your soulmate!
Divine Soul Connection
This spread analyzes a person's (or your soulmate's) soul connection to you. It can be done one of two ways:
1. analyzing the history of your souls together &Â their soul purpose in your life
2. analyzing their purpose in your life versus your purpose in their life
Both ways will also look at the energetic frequency of the connection and both of the individual roles you play in this connection.
Please specify in your order which of the two ways you'd like me to conduct your reading.
Energy of Connection
Confused about a connection, and would like to know what is going on beneath the surface? In this spread, I analyze how they feel about you, their intentions towards the connection* (or where it's heading, your choice), and the overall energy of the connection* (or advice, your choice).
*The default questions in this spread are: feelings, intentions, and energy. If you would like to opt any of these out for where the relationship is heading or for advice pertaining to the connection, please specify that in your order.
Potential of Connection
Unsure about a connection and would like to have a bit of insight and perspective? This spread gives you an overview of a connection to see whether or not it has lasting potential: it analyzes, and takes into account, both the compatibility and the dynamic between the two of you.
General Love Spread
This spread is not so much 'general' as the name implies, but rather an encompassing love spread that is a good fit for anyone: single, taken, or for those in complicated situations! It looks into the energy of a love situation (or your energy of attraction, to those who are single), can predict what is coming in love, and also gives advice on your love life so that you can invite in more healthy, meaningful, and satisfying love into your life!
Healing The Heart & Attracting Love
Are you going through a difficult separation? Are you feeling lost in the love department? Are you trying to attract love, to no avail? This multi-oracle spread seeks to heal, empower, and help guide you towards a healthy, meaningful, and fulfilling love life. Perfect for those looking to heal themselves, attract love, or both!
You: In Their Eyes
Ever wonder how someone truly sees you? In this spread, I analyze what they truly think about you & your connection, and what energy they have towards you.
This spread can also be about any person (not necessarily romantic), and can also be casted to how people, in general, view you: what most people think of you, what energy you radiate to others, and how they react to you.
Channeled Messages
What would they really like to say to you? What is really on their mind? I will use my homemade deck to channel the messages your person (or your future soulmate) has for you, as if they are speaking directly to you! Disclaimer: these are not sugarcoated and can be very blunt.
New Moon Spread
The new moon invites in new energies, and this spread will describe the themes in the coming lunar month, as well as illuminates some tips on how to use the new moon's energy to attract the potential blessings to come and avoid the blockages! A perfect little boost to make the best out of your new moon routine!
Full Moon Spread
The full moon is the most potent time to get answers, as it illuminates upon the hidden truths. This spread will reveal what you truly need to hear, at the time when the veil is very thin, and messages more easily come through. Learn what you need to heal and release, or where you are heading at this time.
Manifestation Spread
Are you trying to manifest something, to no avail? Would you like an update and/or an affirmation regarding your manifestations? Do you want to manifest something but are unsure how to go about it?
If so, this is the spread for you! This spread looks into where you are in the journey of your manifestation, as well as what you can do to amplify your manifestation and future manifestations to come: so that you can magically create your desired reality!
A Sign From The Universe
Have you been wondering if someone is the one, update on your manifestation, how you'll know someone is your soulmate, etc? This spread looks at the confirmations the universe will give you & current messages from the universe to you!
I will need you to specify what question / topic you'd like a sign on in your order.
Work Your Light Spread
Using the famous Work Your Light deck, this spread helps you connect to your 5th dimensional self, the higher self, with spiritual messages that you need to hear and work with! Ultimately, this spread helps bring you to the truest expression of yourself, as well as aids you in your spiritual journey. This is a great spread for those who are going through a spiritual awakening, are spiritually ascending, or are just beginning to dabble into spirituality!
Your Spiritual Journey
Life is a combination of the physical and the spiritual: and often they work hand in hand. This spread looks into the spiritual aspect of your life. It dives deep into your subconscious self & higher self to see where you stand in your spiritual journey: what you need to heal, what are your spiritual gifts and/or personal strengths, what you've accomplished on your journey, and what you have yet to learn and/or experience.
Inner Child Healing
Often, our wounds begin in childhood, and follow us as painful patterns throughout life. This healing spread analyzes your childhood wounds and gives you the tools to nourish & heal the inner child, so that you may break free of the painful patterns, and begin thrive & find joy as your inner child & as your present self, as one!
Dream Interpretation
Dreams are a medium by which we can gain some very important insight and even predict some things to come. As dreams are very symbolic in their nature, sometimes it's difficult to interpret the meaning of them. This free-form spread interprets your dream's message by looking at the meaning of the symbols/events via tarot and/or oracle. This service is not traditional dream interpretation!
Mini Reads
$10 for one, +$5 per additional question
These spreads contain 3-5 cards, and give you a brief and concise answer to your questions. These are perfect for when you need a very straightforward answer and not a lot of detail!
The price starts at $10 for one mini read, and goes up by $5 per additional mini read.
Mini Love Reading
$11.11 by itself, $7.77 as an extension
This 4-card spread can be a stand-alone mini love reading for when you need a quick message in love ($11.11), OR it can be used as an extension (a discounted addition: for $7.77) to a bigger love spread, to add another layer of depth to the initial reading!Â
This spread can use Whispers of Love Oracle, Romance Angels, or both (2 cards per deck).
Angel Number Messages
$5 per angel number
Angel numbers are a way in which our angels communicate with us, each one meaning something unique to us. This mini oracle spread will tell you what it means when you see those angel numbers!
The cost is $5 per angel number, and the length will be similar to that of a mini read (brief paragraph).
Yes/No Questions
For Tarot: $3.33 for one, +$2.22 per additional question
For Pendulum: $2.22 for one, +$1.11 per additional question
These are for when you just need a straightforward yes or no and/or would like a confirmation! Can be answered via a tarot card (yes/no with a potential one-liner explanation) or pendulum (just yes/no)
Tarot: $3.33 for one question, goes up by +$2.22 per additional question
Pendulum: $2.22 for one question, goes up by $1.11 per additional question